Conditions for Town of Innisfil Oversize / Overweight Permits
Please Read and Agree to the following Conditions before continuing. This Permit will only be valid on Town of Innisfil maintained roadways.
- On highways other than Town of Innisfil highway's
- At any time when persons and vehicles on the highway are not clearly visible at a minimum distance of 150 meters due to insufficient light or unfavorable atmospheric conditions.
- Between noon on the day preceding a Statutory holiday until noon of the day following a statutory holiday.
- Between the hours one half hour before sunset and one half hour after sunrise.
- When the vehicle is operating at speeds more than 20 kilometers per hour below the posted speed limit and/or permit conditions require the presence of escort vehicles, the power unit shall be equipped with an operating 360 degree flashing amber warning lamp(s), mounted at an elevation above the highest point of the vehicle and/or accompanied by an escort vehicle. When the load obstructs the rearward visibility of the warning lamp(s) on the power unit, and no escort is present to the rear, a second 360 degree flashing amber warning lamp shall be required at the back of the load. All warning lamp(s) shall conform to SAE J845 or SAE J1318 of class 1 or 2 standards. Lens must be kept in clean and good condition so as to not diminish the effectiveness of the lamp(s). Warning lamp(s) shall not be illuminated under any other circumstances unless otherwise stated.
- Mechanical or electrical signaling devices are required on the rear of the load when the load is obstructing the vehicle(s) signal lights.
- Coupling devices shall have a manufacture's rating equal to, or greater than, both the actual vertical loaded weight and actual towed weight, and coupling devices must comply with HTA, Regulation 618 (Specifications and Standards for Trailer Couplings).
- The original permit must be carried and produced on demand by a police officer or an officer appointed for carrying out the provisions of the HTA.
- This permit is issued on condition the permit holder accepts responsibility for any and all damage(s) that may be caused to overhead wires, structures, highways, encroachments or railway right of ways.
- Permit holder must comply with Ontario Regulation 363 - Security of Loads.
- This permit may be terminated at the discretion of the Town, Ministry of Transportation, or Police Authority for any reason including a breach of any condition of this permit, or of any other permit(s), issued to the holder.
- A Permit is issued for the movement of an individual load when:
- Height: The load shall not be composed of articles loaded or mounted one on the top of the other in a manner that will create additional height.
- Width: The load shall not be composed of articles loaded or mounted side by side or crosswise in a manner that create additional width.
- Length: The load shall not be composed of articles loaded or mounted one behind the other that will create additional length and any overhang to the rear shall not exceed 4.65 m from the centre of the rearmost axle unless otherwise stated.
- Weight: The load shall not be composed of more than a single article. Weights authorized under the terms of this permit shall not exceed the Manufacturers Rated Capacity of any vehicle component. When crossing bridges, vehicles over 45,400 kg gross weight must be operated at the lowest practicable speed. Bridge postings and load restrictions pursuant to Part VII of the HTA.
A vehicle and/or load is deemed indivisible when the dimensions or weight limits exceed the HTA, and, if separated into smaller loads, or vehicles would:
- Compromise the intended use of the vehicle or load, i.e. make it unable to perform the function for which it was intended
- Destroy the value of the load or vehicle i.e. make it unusable for its intended purposes or,
- Requires more than 8 (eight) work hours to dismantle using appropriate resources and equipment.
- Vehicles and/or loads in excess of dimensions prescribed under Section 109 of the HTA shall be marked with four or more bright red or orange warning flags of not less than 40cm square and shall be mounted on the extremities of the vehicle or load. The flag(s) must be kept in good and clean condition so as to not diminish their effectiveness.
- Vehicles and/or loads in excess of dimensions prescribed under Section 109 of the HTA shall, in addition to the flags required under Condition 14, display on the front of the vehicle and the rear of the vehicle or load, a clearly visible position, a sign visible for a distance of at least 150 meters bearing the words "OVERSIDE LOAD" in black letters, measuring at least 200 mm high with lines forming the letters at least 30 mm wide on a yellow background, or a "D" sign (as illustrated in Figure 1) . When traveling at night, the sign shall be made of Level 1, high intensity retro-reflective material (CGSB 62-gp-11m). The sign shall be positioned so to not obstruct lights and other safety devices, and shall be removed or covered when not in use.
- Where a permit is issued on the condition that the permit holder provides a Private Escort Operator, Warning Vehicle and equipment:
- The escort vehicle (s) shall be operated by a fully (unrestricted) licensed driver of not less than 18 years of age with at least two years experience and a valid driver's licence.
- The escort vehicle(s) shall not have more than two axles and a wheelbase length of not less than 2.65 metres and shall be equipped with flashing amber warning lamp(s) located on the roof of the escort vehicle. Lighting shall consist of either a rectangular amber bar positioned perpendicular to the length of the escort vehicle or at least one amber lamp conforming to standard SAE J845 OR J1318 Class 1 or 2. All lights shall be visible on a 360 degree basis from the vehicle. The lenses must be kept in good and clean condition, free from the accumulation of dirt, snow or pit markings, as to not diminish the effectiveness of the lamp.
- Either a "D" or an "OVERSIZE LOAD" sign shall be used. (See "D" sign as illustrated in Figure 1). If using an "OVERSIZE LOAD" sign, the letters shall be in black on a yellow background. The sign shall be mounted on the front and rear, or on the roof of the escort vehicle. The sign shall not obstruct warning lights and other safety devices. If mounted on the roof,, the sign shall be perpendicular to the length of the escort vehicle and shall be made of durable rigid material and must not interfere with the view of the light bar or warning light and the sign must be printed on both sides of the panel. The sign shall be removed or covered when not in use.
The escort vehicle(s) and towing vehicle(s) shall be equipped with a working two way radio communication device permitting direct communications between the vehicles. Cell phones do not meet this requirement.
The escort vehicle(s) shall be equipped with a fire extinguisher in effective working order, six 45 cm (18") traffic cones and/or portable reflectors approved by the Town, and extra bulbs to maintain all lights required by this Schedule.
All units including the escort vehicle(s), will be operated with headlights on when traveling on a highway and shall maintain a distance of 60 to 150 metres from the load being escorted.
CAUTION: Escort vehicles do not have traffic control authority. The escort driver must obey all traffic laws and regulations.
- Vehicles operated pursuant to this permit, including those traveling under Police escort, that have been directed to stop at a highway inspection station by signals or otherwise, shall enter the inspection area and proceed in accordance with posted signals and directions.
- A minimum of 300 metres (1000 feet) is required between any other oversized load traveling in the same direction.
- Removal or loss of any page(s) renders this permit void.
- OPERATORS WILL BE SUBJECT TO STRICT SPEED ENFORCEMENT BY POLICE. Travel under this permit must be at safe operating speed, ensuring posted speed limits are adhered to at all times.
- The overweight privileges contained in this permit are not valid during the months of March and April or when highway is posted for load restrictions.
- Unless directed otherwise by a police officer or Ministry of Transportation enforcement officer, travel under the terms of this permit must utilize the most direct route possible to minimize the distance traveled from the origin to the destination. Prolonged travel for the purposes of incidental deliveries or other non-emergency activities is not permitted.
- Authorized loads and/or equipment is as follows:
- OVER-DIMENSIONAL FARM VEHICLE, FARM EQUIPMENT, or FARM MACHINERY on a semi, flatbed, or float type trailer drawn by a commercial motor vehicle, both bearing a registration that is valid in Ontario,
- OVER-DIMENSIONAL FARM VEHICLE, FARM EQUIPMENT, or FARM MACHINERY on a semi, flatbed or float type trailer drawn by a commercial motor vehicle, both bearing a registration that is valid in Ontario when traveling between permit holder's place of business and farm(s),
- OVER-DIMENSIONAL FARM VEHICLE, FARM EQUIPMENT, or FARM MACHINERY on a commercial motor vehicle bearing a registration that is valid in Ontario,
- OVER-DIMENSIONAL FARM VEHICLE, FARM EQUIPMENT, or FARM MACHINERY on a commercial motor vehicle bearing a registration that is valid in Ontario when traveling between permit holder's place of business and farm(s).
| Authorized Max length | Authorized Max Width (2-lane Hwys) | Authorized Max Width (Multi-lane Hwys) |
A | 25 Meters | 3.7 Meters | 3.7 Meters |
B | 25 Meters | 4.3 Meters | 4.3 Meters |
C | 12.5 Meters | 3.7 Meters | 3.7 Meters |
D | 12.5 Meters | 4.3 Meters | 4.3 Meters |
- Vehicle configuration must conform with Regulation 413.
- Loads of 4.00m or wider are not permitted to travel when road conditions, weather conditions, or visibility make traveling hazardous to the operator or to the driving public. Conditions shall be deemed to be hazardous upon any accumulation of ice or snow on the roadway or if the continuous use of windshield wipers is required. Vehicles that are underway when inclement weather occurs shall exit the road at the first available location and park in a safe place until the weather and road conditions clear.
- Notwithstanding the permitted length on the face of this permit, vehicle combinations may not exceed the HTA Section 109 (7) and 109 (10) when traveling empty, with the exception of trailer and/or trailer and jeep combinations that are equipped with no less than four axles and are traveling immediately prior to, or following, the movement of an oversize/overweight load. An empty trailer may not exceed the weights prescribed in the HTA, nor be more than 3.10 meters wide. This privilege may not be used in combination with a condition allowing over width trailers to be loaded to HTA dimensions when traveling to, or from, an oversize/overweight move.
- A PRIVATE ESCORT WARNING VEHICLE IS REQUIRED when the overall width exceeds 4.0 meters. One private escort warning vehicle shall precede the movement of the load authorized by this permit on two lane highways, or one shall follow the load on multi-lane highways.
Figure 1:
