Accessible Parking Authorization
Accessible Parking Authorization is required to permit law enforcement officers to enter a property for the purpose of enforcement with respect to the parking of vehicles in the designated accessible parking spaces. Please use the form below to apply.
I, the undersigned, owner/authorized agent of the property known as:
Located at:
, Innisfil, Ontario
I agree to supply, install and maintain all accessible parking signage as required by R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 581: ACCESSIBLE PARKING FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES, as amended. I also agree to perform sufficient maintenance, snow clearing and removal of obstructions to ensure that vehicles have unimpeded access to these spaces.
I hereby grant my consent to the Town of Innisfil to permit law enforcement officers to enter upon the above noted property for the purpose of enforcement with respect to the parking of vehicles in the designated accessible parking spaces.
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